The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109271   Message #2371312
Posted By: MartinRyan
21-Jun-08 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs (Wright)
I know that, thanks to ejsant, we already have an index to Wrights "Irish Emigrant Songs and Ballads" in another thread . However, I have just received a more detailed version from Jim Carroll, another 'catter. Jim's version lists Title, First Line and, importantly, Source, for each song. I'm going to post his copy, chapter by chapter, in this edited thread.

First, some general comments from Jim:
Title: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs, edited by Robert L Wright.
Pub. Bowling Green University Popular Press 1975
Large book 712 pp.
Approx 450 songs, few with airs, and a few airs only.
No song notes.
Divided up into Introduction, 10 categories and 3 appendices as follows: Extensive bibliography.

No general index, but each category comes with its own index giving
title, 1st line, source and location of source, with very occasional
extra comments, such as titles of alternative versions.

Many thanks to Jim for this useful resource.
