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Thread #109271   Message #2371321
Posted By: MartinRyan
21-Jun-08 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs (Ch. IV)
"Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs"

THE EXILE OF ERIN*                                                                        242
"There came to the beach a poor Exile of Erin,"
Source: Lampe, Songs of Ireland, 104-107.
This song appears on broadsides at Harvard, Cambridge, and elsewhere. It is perhaps as familiar as any song in this collection.

AN DIBIRTEACH O EIRINN*                                                               247
Sources: Hannagan and Clandillon, Songs of the Irish Gaels, 15-16.

THE IRISH EMIGRANT* 248 "I'm sitting by the stile Mary"
Source: Sheet music, Chappell, London Located: British Museum
This song rivals the preceding one in popularity. It appears on broadsides, in song¬sters, and in song books.

I'M SITTING ON THE STILE, MARY (THE IRISH EMIGRANT)*                               254
(Two variants)
Source: Peacock, Songs of the Newfoundland Outports, vol. 2, 462-463.

SEQUEL TO THE IRISH EMIGRANT                                                        257
"Oh! Mary, I should happy be, if you was but alive,"
Source: Broadside, Birt, London Located: Cambridge University Library

ANSWER TO THE IRISH EMIGRANT                                                        258
"I'm coming back to you, Mary, Australia's shores I find,"
Source: Broadside, Ryle, London Located: Cambridge University Library

PARODY ON THE IRISH EMIGRANT                                                        259
"I'm sitting on a rail, Judy,"
Source: Broadside, no imprint but possibly printed in Glasgow. Located: Boston Public Library

LAMENT OF THE IRISH GOLD HUNTER                                                260
"I'm sitting on the stile, Mary,"
Source: The Exile of Erin's Songster, 231-233. Located: Harvard University Library. Also a broadside (Andrews, New York) at the Pierpont Morgan Library.

A PARODY ON THE LAMENT OF THE IRISH EMIGRANT                                261
"I'm traveling on the Isle, Sarah, through drifts and banks of snow," Source: Broadside, no imprint Located: Brown University (John Hay Library)

PAT MALLOY*                                                                                262
"At sixteen years of age, I was my mother's fair-haired boy,"
Source: Sheet Music, Wm, A. Pond, New York, 1865 Located: Free Library of Philadelphia
As well known as any of Dion Boucicault's works with the possible exception of his version of WEARING OF THE GREEN.

RETURN OF PAT MALLOY                                                                    265
"When landed safe in Dublin-town, I met a castle-hack—"
Source: "My Father Sould Charcoal" Songster, 24-25. Located: Library of Congress
Also in a broadside printed by Johnson of Philadelphia (Brown University [John Hay Library]. Attributed to A. Anderson. To be sung to "The Captain with the Whiskers.'

PARODY ON PAT MALLOY                                                                    267
"At sixty years of age, I was my mother's gray-hair boy,"
Source: "My Father Sould Charcoal" Songster, 25. Located: Library of Congress

O'REILLY THE FISHERMAN*                                                               268
"As I roved out one evening fair down by a riverside"
Source: Songs of the Newfoundland Outports, vol. 3. 698-699.
(Two variants of the tune follow.)

JOHN RILEY*                                                                                269
Source: Leach, Folk Ballads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast, 58-59.

JOHN RILEY (or REILLY); or AS I ROVED OUT ONE MORNING*                               270, 271, 272
Source: Journal of the Folk-Song Society,No. 19 (Second part of Vol. V), 1914-1916, 147-148. Broadsides are variously titled: at the New York Public Library, LAMEN¬TATION OF RILEY AND MARY CAMPBELL (Swindells, Manchester); at the Boston Public Library, O'RILEY THE FISHERMAN (no imprint but probably American); at the National Library of Ireland, THE TRUE LOVER'S LAMENTA¬TION (no imprint). The song was printed widely in Ireland, England, Canada, and the United States.

YOUNG RILEY*                                                                              273
"First in dis country I came a stranger"
Source: Folk Ballads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast, 308-309.

YOUNG RILEY                                                                              274
"As I was walking through the county of Cavan,"
Source:   Broadside, H. Disley, London Located: Boston Athenaeum. This is a variant of the song above, of course, but I have included it because it seems to differ substantially. There are many other Riley (Rylie, Reilly) songs, of which the two that follow are only samples.

SUSAN & YOUNG RILEY                                                                       275
"You tender maidens I pray draw near," Source: Broadside, John O. Bebbington, Leeds Located: Cambridge University Library

THE WEXFORD LOVERS                                                                       276
"You tender maidens I pray draw near,"
Source: Broadside, no imprint Located: Bodleian Library, Oxford A variant.