The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2372171
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Jun-08 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Interesting, Maggie. That's one reason I have the 500 CD changer. It is an easy and compact way to store them AND I never have to take them out and they are free of dust.:-) It's like a juke box in that when I enter their title, etc. I can categorise and number them, so I can play all of one category, mix them up, etc. I really like it. Then Rog tells me I could put ALL of those (not 500 yet!) on an Ipod! I like my player and I got rid of all of the cases. I alphabetised the inserts in an index card box.

We took Morgan for a professional photo-shoot this morning which was a lot of fun. When we got home, I picked up some more leftovers from yesterday's do in the living room. About noon, we went out to my caravan and started mucking it out! It has been like an albatross hanging round our necks. Stuff was tossed in there when we redid our bedroom and whenever I asked Rog to "put this in storage." "Where is this and such?" "I don't know! Probably in that mess in the trailer!" have been frequent bouts of "conversation" about it. :-)

I am really proud of what we did today. It was hot and we were both tired, but we took out a bunch of empty boxes (saved for "just in case"), two tvs, various other bits and pieces AND made a good sized yard sale pile on the bed. We only brought two bins inside for me to go through. There are two more, half-full out there for me to go through later, plus our holiday decorations and that's it. More than half of it, up front where there is clear floor space, is empty and ready for my sisters' stuff.:-)

My dishes are still soaking and there's dust all over, but it feels good to have done a major mucking and not worry about the day to day chores!