The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112271   Message #2373612
Posted By: Ebbie
24-Jun-08 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dreams that Stayed With You
Subject: RE: BS: Dreams that Stayed With You
There are a great many dreams that I can bring into memory at will but there is one from a few years ago that leaves me bemused.

I am in a place with four or five other people and I know that when "they" come, I will be killed, no way out of it. The only option I have is to off myself.

To the side is an upright tunnel, made of rubber-like material. I circle it, reluctant to do what I must do. But finally I step up to the level and taking a deep breath I step into the tunnel and whoooosh!. I know that I will be dead but I don't have any idea of what will happen next.

It is dark and then I pop out at the other end, finding myself on a dusty country lane on a hot day. There is sparse grass along the roadway and off in the distance are rolling hills. I start down the slope.

Then alongside the road sitting on a wooden bench is an old man watching me. I look at him as I pass by and he says conversationally, You can still go back, you know.

I shake my head wordlessly, deciding that there would be no point.