The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112271   Message #2373758
Posted By: katlaughing
24-Jun-08 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dreams that Stayed With You
Subject: RE: BS: Dreams that Stayed With You
If it was on Halloween, it might be that they could see you because they feared retribution...something I just read said that was what folks believed could happen on that night...anyone they'd wronged could come back and punish them!

I have one which is infrequent but always the same. It is not very distinct..hard to describe but something about a beautiful, unusual, quirky house we are looking at, I think to buy. I really love it and am intrigued by it, but not sure of it. Then I am beside the wall of a house, not sure if it is the same one...could be, the path is closed in by lots of vegetation and there is an exotic type woman, leaning out of a window, I think, who I am SURE should NOT know my Rog, but she is warning me about something about's been awhile since I've dreamt this, but I am sure she represented some kind of danger to him...mostly in separating him from me. Curiously, I don't think I've had this since heart surgery.

Kendall, that's the way I'd take it. Have you ever done any past life regressions? It can be quite interesting and enlightening, imo.