The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112271   Message #2373847
Posted By: topical tom
25-Jun-08 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dreams that Stayed With You
Subject: RE: BS: Dreams that Stayed With You
When I was much younger I used to have a recurring dream. I would be standing in a country field and a pickup truck would come by and catch me up on its running board as it went by.I would then plunge over a cliff on the truck and fall but I would wake up before landing.
   As a career I taught school for 34 years and in that time I was almost never late for class, yet I would dream of being late for class and never being able to find it. I would imagine the students wreaking havoc as they waited for me to arrive.This dream occurred many times but only after I had retired.I would wake up and think "Thank God, I have no classes any more!"
   One of my worst nightmares was thinking someone was coming into my house while I was sleeping. I could hear him climbing up the stairs but I was powerless to move.Then I would sense a shadowy figure standing in the doorway to my bedroom. At that point, thoroughly terrified, I would wake up.
   I used to dream of driving a car before I ever owned one and I would awake greatly disappointed.Disappointment also ensued when I would dream that I could fly as a bird.
   Well, I've rambled on much too long. I wish sweet dreams to all.