The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112286   Message #2374253
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
25-Jun-08 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: Obit- Woven Wheat Whispers
Subject: RE: Obit: Woven Wheat Whispers
Ian Southworth, formerly of WWW, was involved a little too closely with A Person In Harrogate not known for the payment of royalties to artists whose work has the misfortune to be under his control.

Mark Coyle, who continued the download operation after Mr Southworth's mysterious disappearance, did not (as far as I know) continue to pursue this alliance with 'you know who'. However, such a connection, even if entirely severed of late, would not have been conducive to establishing credentials with those wishing to purchase music in the certain knowledge that it was ethical.

Mr Southworth used to be known in this parish as Lancashire Lad, a name which he also used to flog CD-Rs, run off in said Yorkshire spa town, on eBay.