The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112286   Message #2374276
Posted By: Lizzy Cornish
25-Jun-08 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: Obit- Woven Wheat Whispers
Subject: RE: Obit: Woven Wheat Whispers
I'm not here to fight.

I am here to defend a man that I came to know. One who cared deeply about the music, and who worked his bloody backside off to help them get their music out there, treating them all fairly and squarely.

Ian and Mark both worked extraordinarily hard Diane...far harder than you have EVER done, to spread the word about music in a truly positive and uplifting manner.

They cared about all the artists who came under their umbrella.

I suggest you take your insane ramblings somewhere else and get off their backs!

You have done your damage, I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever now, after having read your posts above, that you helped spread bad publicity about them.

You tried your damndest on the BBC...and here you are once more, not even letting them 'rest in peace'

As I said on another thread, there is something rotten to the core in the English folk world.....and I think your posts have just proved where the 'rot' is coming from.