The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112286   Message #2374302
Posted By: Lizzy Cornish
25-Jun-08 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Obit- Woven Wheat Whispers
Subject: RE: Obit: Woven Wheat Whispers
"Well the two of you have ruined what was a perfectly good thread about a sadly departed website. Absolutely disgraceful performances, well done you two, well done!"

No, I have merely stood up for two men for whom I have respect, and if that is 'ruining' a perfectly good thread, well I apologise, but it's better to have a thread ruined than someone's reputation!

These 'smear campaigns' that go in the English folk world disgust me, this is merely another one of them...and if this campaign has had any effect on the folk world losing Woven Wheat Whispers, then it is far more than 'a sadly departed website', it is a hugely shaming and sorry state of affairs!

I suggest the 'Honourable Secretary' looks up the meaning of the word 'Honourable'