The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112286   Message #2374536
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
26-Jun-08 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: Obit- Woven Wheat Whispers
Subject: RE: Obit: Woven Wheat Whispers
Well, well.

So Mark Coyle finds it a matter to smile at that his collapsed company had, through his former partner, pronounced links with Celtic Music?

I think most people at Mudcat were aware of Ian Southworth / Lancashire Lad's antics. He certain spewed out enough apologies for Bulmer's business practices in the innumerable CM threads archived here. Those who were aware of this would surely have steered well clear of WWW for this very reason. Who wants to risk funding the Harrogate empire? If this wariness contributed to the company's demise, it would not be surprising. Long spoons and all that. Anyone who didn't know does now, so should this shady character re-emerge in the future they will at least be forewarned.

Fascinating, is it not, that madlizziecornish /Lisa Route has cosy telephonic chats with Dave Bulmer. Megalomaniacs Anonymous, is it?   Fat chance of him relenting and returning rights to the artists now with her on his list of "business advisors".