The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112124   Message #2375397
Posted By: GUEST,lox
27-Jun-08 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'

you've seen how much tolerance i have for racism.

But that cuts both ways and I will not put all germans in the same bag for allowing the holocaust, nor will I call all British imperialist thieves for their complicity with global colonization over the centuries, nor will I lump all americans in with george bush nor all black africans with Mugabe.

If ever a race of people were indoctrinated it was the Afrikaaners. Generation after Generation were lied to by their predecessors and grew up with the "knowledge" that Blacks need to be governed by whites or they wiill descend into tribal chaos.

We have all shown sympathetic interest in the past in Wolfgang when he has spoken about growing up in Nazi Germany.

We have all expressed understanding for those who were brainwashed in the Hitler youth.

Well in terms of indoctrination, the Hitler youth had it easy by comparison. When your parents grandparents and great grandparents have passed a political viewpoint down through the generations and it has taken root in you to the extent that you understand it to be self evident, it is going to be deeply traumatising to wake up one morning to discover it was all a lie.

The sun rises in the morning and sets at night. It comes out again after a storm and blacks need to be treated like endemically badly behaved teenagers, for whom the only explanation needed is six of the best with a big stick.

That Blacks are inferior is nonsense.

And where this claim is made it must be challenged.

That Afrikaaners are as needy of understanding and reconciliiation as the rest of us is however of fundamental importance to the future of south africa.

And here's another Irony ... they too can't go on being "victims" but need to take responsibility for their future.

South Africa is a potentially great country. It's national anthem symbolizes very movingly just how.

I have nothing but the best of wishes for ALL Africans.