The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112320   Message #2375877
Posted By: Janie
27-Jun-08 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Midsummer Tavern open for business
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Midsummer Tavern open for busines
Hi ya'll! Can't stay - I'm packing boxes tonight and gotta start painting this weekend.   Anybody interested in helping paint for a little beer money?

What's that, lox? No. You'll get the money After you're done painting. Gotta run. Just show up tomorrow if you're interested.

Those near the door hear the old Merc Sable as the engine fires, the sound of tires on gravel, and then, "Oh crap."

Uhmmm. Awfully sorry to whoever belonged to that little crocodile out in the parking lot. Now I know what that bump was when I pulled in. might not be dead yet, if you want to check.

Welllll. Bye!