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Thread #112350   Message #2376321
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Jun-08 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
I didn't see it, so I can't comment...other than to say that they did the politically smart and expedient thing which they would have to do under these circumstances. They work in a huge power structure called "the Democratic Party" and so they must play the party game accordingly, and they do.

Bobert is right that the only way things can really change is for a genuinely goodhearted and idealistic person to "sneak" into office past all the machinations of the Democratic and Republican parties and their corporate backers.

What are the chances against that occurring? Well, the chances against it are tremendous, but that doesn't mean it's completely impossible.

Is Obama that person? Danged if I know. If I was down there right now, I'd vote for him, but I'd do it with the strong awareness that it might not turn out anything like I had hoped it would once he's in power.

We shall see.


Now the people I remember who really openly stood up for effective change in America's disastrous foreign policy during the primaries were mostly Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. They never had a chance. You will not see the Democratic Party or the Republican Party give people like that a real chance at the presidency. No sir.

Like Bobert said, someone will have to sneak in past corporate security to really change things. And if he succeeds, then he'll have to watch his back very carefully and have the best bodyguards in the world for the next 4 years.

It's not the president who really runs the USA, it's the great financial/military/media oligarchy that puts him in office, and that oligarchy is a many-headed dragon. Sometimes the different heads will even bite each other when they quarrel over the spoils. This dragon would make even Medusa look like a hometown girl.


Hillary and Obama? Oh, they're doing the smart thing to do. We won't know until November how well it will pay off for them.