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Thread #112350   Message #2376643
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jun-08 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
The problem is the ruling aristocracy, as Guest Hear! Hear! has described it. You have wheels within wheels governing that ruling aristocracy...and of course they do a lot of infighting amongst themselves for the spoils of power, so it's not what could be characterized as a "conspiracy", rather it is simply a manner of behaviour that arises out of common forms of self-interest on the part of the aristocrats.

And who are the aristocrats? Well, they're the richest and most powerful people at the top of corporate industry, the insurance industry, banking, media and communications, the military...

Those people get to know each other as they grow up, they tend to go to the same educational institutions and join the same clubs and associations. They pass on those connections from one generation to the next, and that is a process so natural that why would most of them even question it?

They have common interests, and those interests serve to maintain and strengthen the position of the ruling classes.

It's not a conspiracy, it's merely what happens when people with common interests engage in an overall social power structure. It may end up seeming like a conspiracy to the people outside the gates of the mansion, but it isn't a conspiracy in my opinion, it's just the natural result of people in a certain position having common interests and objectives.

As I've said, they do a lot of infighting amongst themselves. They have power struggles within their own ranks. We have just witnessed the apparent conclusion of a lengthy power struggle within the Democratic Party between the Clinton Machine...which was powerful enough that they felt unbeatable...and a coalition of other people in the Democratic Leadership Council who decided to back Obama instead of Clinton.

Now would any of these worthies have thought of backing Dennis Kucinich? Ha! Not a chance, because Kucinich intended to make real and radical changes in American foreign and domestic policy and he made no bones about it. People like Dennis Kucinich (or Ron Paul) are anathema to the ruling power structure, and they will never get its backing.

If they are backing Obama, and they are, then it indicates one of two things:

1. He is already their chosen tool, and in cahoots with them, which means that things are not going to change much at all if he's elected.


2. He is not their tool yet, but they figure they can control him.

I was pretty sure when this whole process started a year ago that the Democratic Party Machine was absolutely set on having Hillary Clinton run, and win the election....and that Obama and Edwards were just there to make it look if there really was a horse race happening and not a coronation. Just for show. I was surprised when the party insiders decided to back Obama instead.

There could be a number of reasons for that, but it's clear that the Clinton people overplayed their hand early, and perhaps a number of their envious peers were just waiting for a chance to bring them down a peg or two. Or...perhaps they think Obama is more likely to win the election than Hillary.

Or...perhaps the overall plan at an even higher level (above the Duopoly) is to have the Republicans win the election by running a Democrat who can't win. ;-) (That's what Riginslinger seems to think is happening.) (I have no opinion about that.)

Whatever it is, I view it all as another grand stage play that is being presented on the mass media in the usual soap-opera-like manner by the Great Oz to befuddle the masses, and make them think they have a representative democracy that actually works instead of an untouchable oligarchy represented by two subservient political parties.

One thing, though...if Obama is elected it will at least put to bed one old ghost that badly needs to be put to bed in the USA. It will prove to the American public that you CAN have a president of the USA who is not a 100% White man...and the world will not end because of that, and life will still go on.

That would be something to see. People might finally get it through their heads that skin color in humans is no more significant than the color of fur on rabbits.

It's not any reason in itself to vote for Obama...but it would still be a very memorable milestone, nonetheless.