The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2376735
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jun-08 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Michelle Obama (I hate whitey) said recently that for the the first time in her life she was proud of America. The pastor in her church said, from the pulpit, God damn America. Bad, bad racists. Bad, bad Americans. They hate the country.

Dohrn and Ayers blew things up. That's how you show love of your country? I don't think so.

You people have been mesmerised by the news media fine tuning the color control on your TV sets. Uncle Obomber's black(ish), and that's all that matters to you. He has the backing of the CIA/FBI spook organization (their dossiers caused the ruination of 2 of the 3 candidates he's run against), he has Foundation money backing him (Ford foundation funds his racist church too), he chooses to remain married to a raving racist, his homosexual past dalliances are dropping dead like flies. Shades of Bill Clinton.

Sad thing is, the money backing Obama is the same money that backed Hitler. The ultimate Aryan joke, using the Anglo-American banking system to install a black, junkie, racist homosexual. He, in one package, is a cross-section of most of the groups Hitler hammered. He's associating with known terrorists, too, while he voted for bills that can designate YOU a terrorist for breaking a state or federal law (Section 802 of the PATRIOT Act). Obama's the worst of the worst.

But...Hitlary has more popular votes. And their fortifying Denver for the convention, so maybe the system will work as designed and Hitlary will get the nomination. The 20% contingent of superdelegates was originally set up because of the Mondale defeat (he lost 49 of 50 states). Mondale waltzed in out of nowhere and stole the nomination at the last moment, so the superdelegate system was implemented...the plan being to let cooler heads prevail in the final selection. And since no one's committed yet to vote for Obama, there could be an upset. There'll be riots of course, because television has convinced you koolaid drinkers Obama is the chosen one, but after that passes at least we'll have a real choice. Continue the neocon agenda of Bush or go with Hitlary. Not much better as a choice, but preferrable to what the koolaid drinkers want.

And Obama's being handled by Z. Brezinski. Obama wants to talk to Iran rather than bomb them, but as Brezinski has written, Iran needs to be developed as a formidable foe of Russia/China. So, if Obama is installed in the white house, you'll all be happy that the rhetoric on Iran dies down, and you'll deny what Brezinski has TOLD you is going to happen. In 4 years we'll be preparing for war against Russia. You think things are bad now...

The rest of the world knows what's coming. It appears Obama's about to be installed. Bush, Hillary and McCain did not want to bomb Pakistan, but Obama did. We're now bombing Pakistan. The Polish missile shield is a Brezinsky gambit...nothing Bushian about it. The top two Air Force people (military and civilian) were just fired on the same day. Bush wouldn't do that in a runup to war with Iran...another move preparing for Obama (the 2 were probably fired for the Minot incident, where Dick Cheney tried to steal a bomber full of nukes...they were fired as a signal that rogue nuking in the middle east won't be tolerated). So a gigantic shift to the Brezinski/Obama world policy is taking place. Putin sees all this going on and knows the ultimate goal is the destruction of Russia, and he recently called the U.S. a "monster."

Obama's just another GWBush, but at least GW thinks he's acting in the best interest of the U.S. Obama hates the country and wants to destroy it with nuclear conflict. Probably a satanist. I should look at some of his speeches and see how often he uses the word "sacrifice." That's a giveaway...talking about literal human sacritice. His desecration of the presidential seal already has the Illuminati all-seeing eye on it.

You folks need to support Hitlary. At least when she starts her mass murdering we'll know she and Bill have a history of it and might be able to stop it. But Obama will get you to sip a little more koolaid while you're standing in line at the guillotines.