The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2376757
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jun-08 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
There you go again, dribbling koolaid. I expect to be locked out at any moment, by the way. I get whipped with the fasci whenever I sneak in here.

Sympathize with Ayers and Dohrn? Nah. They were on the losing side. They should've been executed. Only because they were connected to money did they survive. Their compatriots are still serving time, aren't they? You've been duped, Little Hawk, which is no mean feat. You've always posted well-considered things, so to me this is just further proof of the brainwashing the media is using to sell Obama.

Obama has said his past is not releveant. He's mumbled about national security even...what a joke. A freakin' junior Senator who already views himself as Ceasar. He's sold you on the idea that he is the only choice, he is inevitable, and to question him demands censure. Like I say, I guess they've sold that attitude well if they can whip you into such a frenzy.

Let me look around for some mad-bomber terrorists to put in charge of Canada, and let's see how you like it. Maybe we can make Dohrn the ambassador to Canada...take a few bombs with her...get you folks up to speed.

Best wishes.