The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2376798
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Jun-08 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Little Hawk, you are probably correct, but still, when the primaries were in full swing, we watched with all the anxiety, and speculation, to see how this was going to play out. It is also why, as things unfolded, why it was the Clinton machine that brought out all the dirt on Obama. They were merely bringing out more reasons on why they thought the electorate would 'surely' swing back over to Hillary. Obama was a shill, who because people wanted a 'change'(choke), came out ahead. It was funny, how in Hillary's speech, toward the end she adopted the change message, and in her speech, she said,'...yes, and I think the American people want to turn the page, on past Washington politics as usual, and....' What she failed to realize, was, and is, Hillary, you are the page!
What a lot of the American people don't realize, is that the Clinton/Bush cabal is the same thing, working in conjunction with each other, while America is asleep at the wheel, Deciding who they like because of the 'emotional entertainment value' of these eloquent farce ridden speeches they spew out. And the same goes for O-blabbo. I look at the zeal of their supporters, and think...'jeez, these people would believe a flock of pigs flying overhead'!! All of the lot, are controlled, bought and paid for..what don't you understand about that. The real candidates are shut out of the pre-dominance in the news, as Paul, Burton, Kucinich, Keyes, and more. Though the candidates I mentioned are vastly different, depending on your personal view, at least they had a bit more integrity, as to their personal beliefs, and integrity, will get you nowhere in politics!
Also, in reference to our friend in Ireland: What do you get when you cross a corrupt politician, with a dishonest lawyer?                                       
