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Thread #112350   Message #2376815
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jun-08 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
I pretty much agree with all that, GfS, and I've seen it that way for some time. Yes, "the Clinton/Bush cabal is the same thing, working in conjunction with each other". The Democrats and Republicans are like two football teams who show up every couple of years at a political Superbowl, and the public is supposed to pick which one to root for. "Good cop - Bad cop" Take your pick. The trouble is, no matter which one gets picked you end up with the same goddamn Big League running the whole football schedule! This is the part people don't get, because they're so mesmerized by the game and by team loyalty.

I'm not clear on exactly what Obama is yet, though, personally speaking. If he gets elected, then we'll find out. He's a very good speaker, I think, but what would he do when in power? Hmm. That remains to be seen. I will be very surprised if the USA pulls out of Iraq, no matter who gets elected.

The tremendous zeal of a candidate's supporters is always attributable to the fervency of their hopes. They figure that somehow this candidate is going to make those hopes be realized once he's in office. It's kind of sad, really, to see the hunger in people for something better, knowing how likely it is that they will be betrayed by those whom they cast their votes for.

Yeah, Hillary and Bill didn't realize that the hunger for "Change" out there would count them out as part of "the old establishment". It must have come as quite a shock by the time it began to sink in.