The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112330   Message #2377160
Posted By: alanabit
30-Jun-08 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: How respectable is your family?
Subject: RE: BS: How respectable is your family?
My Dad (bless him) quite deliberately drank himself to death after my mother died. His great grandfather was a mysterious tramp, who disappeared for long periods and occasionally turned up for a few days. Various parts of my ancestry are tricky to trace, because the births, marriages and deaths registers do not always correspond with the passing on of DNA... I guess it all adds up to a suitable background for a busker. Oh, even less respectable, one of my ancestors was a musician! Another relative of my Dad's was a headmaster, and my Dad had a hard time living down the shame... My maternal grandfather was one of two foundlings raised by a parson. All in all I would say our claims of blue blood are well buggered.