The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112124   Message #2377220
Posted By: Lox
30-Jun-08 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Hey Hans,

Something else that john hume of Northern Ireland used to say when arguing the need for a political solution ...

"What is the alternative?"

Beware of self fulfilling prophecies.

As for strong groups of friends - if you walk in to the wrong part of johannesburg with a large group of friends you'll just be presenting richer pickings.

There was a BBC interview recently with a gang in a township - I've forgotten which one - the investigative journalist asking the questions was John Simpson.

The film crew left after about 5 minutes because the gang had started discussing how much they could get for the cameras.

They're armed to the teeth and if there are more of you it'll just result in more people getting killed.

It's a terribly sad reality but it can be changed for the better.

I think it needs a more decisive leader than Mbeki though. He mkes Gordon Brown look passionate and dynamic by comparison.

"Jungle Bunnies"

Yes I remember that term of abuse too. A british one in my experience. There are very few British left who would use that term unless in the most ironic way.

It's so dated that its impact as a term of abuse is laughable, conjuring up images of sad witless BNP supporters instead.

... *sigh* ...