The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22067   Message #237729
Posted By: keltcgrasshoppper
02-Jun-00 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: Dog stories....
Subject: RE: Dog stories....
I've got a great Sheep Dog Story... I work in a town where there is a working farm that uses dogs to herd.. The woman who ownes and trains them was coming down the lane one morning with her older dog and a young "trainee". She gave the older dog the task of getting the sheep to the center of the field which he did expertly.. she then called him back and tied him.. Then brought the young dog to the center of the field and the young one managed to scatter the sheep in every direction.. I was standing by the older dog and he actually hung his down to the ground shook his.. head and began to grown continually until he was ordered to be quiet.. but he continued to shake his head with was as if he was embarassed about the young ones behavior... They are amazing animals SOOOO smart its almost unbelievable....Dulldan