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Thread #112350   Message #2377484
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Jun-08 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Bobert, there are times when I think that the Republicans are even worse than the Democrats...but they both serve the same masters. They are the "Good Cop" and "Bad Cop" of the oligarchy, and the public is the hapless prisoner who must choose which one of them to trust while being in their power. They are the "mommy" and "daddy" figures. They are the "Yankees" and the "Mets" in the great political World Series.

They are set up to keep people mesmerized and deluded by presenting them with a choice that is not a real choice at the $ySStem continues to rule and to serve the huge financial/industrial/military interests that run the USA and that launch foreign wars of aggression on completely spurious justifications.

When a few honest politicans like Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich appear out of the ranks of those 2 corrupt parties and try to present something actually truthful about what is going on their statements are greeted with nervous laughter (in the case of Ron Paul) or they are shut out of the media debate process (in the case of Dennis Kucinich). If it were not for the Internet, most people would never hear what they had to say at all. The mainstream media cannot censor the far.

It's a 2-headed Oligarchy. A 2-headed dragon. One head pretends to be a big tough-talkin' guy, a gun-totin', Bible-totin' John Wayne type father figure who will bravely defend America against all threats, foreign and domestic. That's the Republicans. The other head pretends to be a kindly, wise, mature, idealistic, responsible mother figure who will bravely protect the poor, the underprivileged, the minorities and who will bring social justice and environmental protection to the homeland in the noble traditions of such as John Kennedy and FDR. That's the Democrats.

They both lie through their teeth.

People who instinctively look to "Daddy" whenever the going gets tough will usually vote Republican. People who are more inclined to look to "Mommy" when the going gets tough will usually vote Democrat. (and that has very little to do with gender, by the way, it has to do with whatever form of social and family mythology you grew up sympathizing the most with in your youth) (in my case I generally found Mommy to have far better and wiser judgement than Daddy, so I just naturally can't frikkin' stand the Republicans!)

But I know this. Neither one of them is what they pretend to be. They do not serve the public. They serve the Oligarchy. Their differences in outer style are simply fodder for the media propaganda that gets people to keep trooping out dutifully and voting for them, like the wretched animals in Animal Farm giving their loyalty to that disgusting group of pigs that were dominating them.