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Thread #112350   Message #2377912
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-Jun-08 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Amos & Ebbie, You, to whom I've had the pleasure of posting to both of you, and never seem to 'enjoy' other facets of our lives, and experiences, I believe are truly serious in your sincerity, to which you believe. I read Little Hawk's post, and actually was quite impressed with lots of it. I also know, that there are those who think it is all off-base. I do believe what he was pointing out had nothing to do with a 'Grand Conspiracy', think of it more like how a CEO of a major corporation, sees things( about the financial returns, overhead, Expansion, Investments to grow, power, and influence to achieve your goals. To excess, there's greed, and pride, and a lot of general self serving circuits going on, in their heads. They are not so inclined to give the sincerity to hope, nurturing a family, caring about their fellow humans, and the environment, and future generations, love and life, as maybe one of you, or even all of us. To some of those, it is the bottom line, the deal, the acquisition of power, and on and on and so forth..and by the time you think that what I've just said, is a possibility, or plausible there are ones out there, that have been at this quite a while....wouldn't you say?? Some, have actually been at this long enough, to have the means, to sway public opinion, trends, AND EVEN PUBLIC POLICY and the support of 'true believers'..who are, in deed, truly sincere, from where THEY come from........BUT THAT'S NOT WHERE THE OTHER GROUP COMES FROM!! These are the same people who will not stop at 'willing' public support, to 'unwilling public support, to achieve their goals.....Can you believe that?? Can you at least, conceive that 'could be plausible'?
So, the next place to ask, or wonder, is who, or what, can verify the truth, right? Ok, without any personal agenda, for personal gain...just to know, about this, and a lot of stuff(not even related), is to relax about it all, and just clear all your filters, in regards to re-enforcing any thing, and with all sincerity, ask God, the giver of live,,,from whom you came out from, to reveal it to you. Also note, 'intelligence is the ability to process information'....keep your filters clean, and you'll be able to gather what you need, by being able to process more information.(Note: Speed is a by-product of accuracy!) It's just like playing a musical instrument, learn accuracy...speed will follow.
   Next,..Did you watch that video I posted for you??
Hope you liked it. There's other things I like better, but it was somewhat akin to the one you posted me.
Last, but in the 'of course' land, when one is in a state of being a little more spiritual tight, you'll probably, more easily spot when some one, is selling you a 'bad bill of goods'...Hey!..God bless your efforts in yakkin' with him!!

P.s. Ebbie, though I was primarily posting to Amos, yourself to the input!!