The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2378139
Posted By: Bobert
01-Jul-08 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Yeah, Kucinich got shafted by Big Media, LH.... No doubt about that and I would agree that the way he was treated was somewhat conspirital... Same has happened to Ralph Nader for the last 20 years... Ron Paul??? The same...

But what has happened in 2 Dem election cycles is the fix ain't workin' for them anymore... Last time it was Howard Dean... Remember "The Scream"... It was "manufactured" by his opponents... I've heard George Bush sound exactly like Howard Dean and it's a non issue... But Dean got beat up by Big Media, Big DNC and Big Repub because he represented, ahhhhh, problem solving over business-as-usual... So he was axed... The conspirators didn't have to get together and paln it because they all knew that a Dean administration would not be favorable to their power and control... So Dean was a axed...

But what Dean accomplished was puttting together a road map on how to beat the $y$tem with his use of the internet and in indoing so so positioned himself to, even in loss of the nomination, to pick off the DNC... This was the real wake-up call to the $y$tem as if found that it no longer had this *complete control" of information and not having comnplete control is somehting that Obama saw and rather than campaign as a busioness-as-usual candidate he took advantage of what Howard Dean's campaign had taught us in '04...

"The times are a'changin'" and that is why Obama has been able to weave his way thru the military/industrialist minefield and captured the nomination... And it's all about understanding how information can be presented without haing to depend on the corporatists allowing you to have access to thei Big Media...

Sure, the corporatists could have tried to "Kucinich" Obama but Obama had allready taken advantage of the internet, raised way too much cash form small donors and had out-organized the rest of the pack so Big Media was stuck and, for that matter, still stuck...

And I, for one, am loving it!!!

Like I said... Well, no I didn't say but Bob Dylan said back in the 60's "The times are a'changin'...
