The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112124   Message #2379300
Posted By: GUEST,lox
02-Jul-08 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Funny, but i found myself agreeing with much of what teribus had to say in both his last posts.

And I have also found myself listening to what hans has to say.

Both have identified problems that need to be overcome.

I am istening now because both are engaging with the isssue rather than just casting aspersions about political stereotypes on the one hand or racial stereotypes on the other.

I think if hans had a chance to step outside the perspective he is wrapped up in he might see that the siege mentality amongst South African Whites, both "British" and "Afrikaans" is not just a matter of attitude or a practical approach to security, but derives from inherited misperceptions of Africans in the first place.

But more relevantly, on the point of investment and initiative, South African business is deeply conservative.

I am informed that in south africa broadband is so expensive that it is cheaper to fly to Hong Kong and download software in an internet cafe than it is to download it using a personal broadband connection.

I am curious to know if Hans is on broasband or dial up ...

The wealthy parts of South Africa are technologically advanced enough for this not to be the case, yet if you check out a website for your average SA business you find that e.commerce is woefully underdeveloped.

The reason for this is a stubborn self preserving change resisting mindset.

Black involvement in commerce in south africa is increasing at a snails pace as there are big incentives for businesses who are prepared to work with black partners or do business with black traders.

But generally white businesses are very suspicious of involving or doing business with blacks as a direct result of the view that blacks aren't capable of "organizing a piss up in a brewery" to use a british colloquialism.

The money is in the white areas, and so are the international contacts. There are areas of praetoria and other cities where you can walk around and not see hide nor hair a black person.

If you do, it is instantly assumed that they are there to steal something.

Sadly, because Whites have made sure there is no other possible reason why they could be there, it is often true.

what is my point ... ahh yes ...

Imagination ...

Innovation ...

Thinking outside the box ...

If white south africans wish to have a future in Africa, they need to break the siege mentality for their own sake. You cannot just put the wagons in a ring and ride the storm.

It's the ring of wagns that will be their downfall.

They have to look for opportunities and learn to move with the times.

And learn to work with each other trustfully (British and Afrikaans as well as blacks asians and coloureds.)

interesting to note that the chinese have recently managed to have themselves categorized as blacks as it gives them advantages in business. If white south africans had the same sense of adventure as the chinese they might just be able to assist in the creating a more positive future for themselves and their multicoloured brethren.

Let me guess hans, british south africans just can't handle meat the way you afrikaaners can eh?