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Thread #112350   Message #2379661
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jul-08 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
I got around to reading your two articles by Pilger, Akenaton. I agree substantially with what he says. The stuff about Robert Kennedy is interesting, and I think it is probably correct (despite the fact that I adored Bobby Kennedy then, and still like him a great deal to this day).

I think his description of what has been going on in the Democratic Party (the supposed champion of American "liberalism") since the end of WWII is spot on. It is a warmaking party and always has been, just as much as the Republicans are, but it pretends not to be...whereas the Republicans don't make any such pretense at all. They are proud of their militaristic credentials. A public disillusionment with war will periodically get the Democrats (or even the Republicans) elected, but it won't stop the further wars that both those parties (at the highest level, I mean) are intent on waging once they take power.

This is not something that most supporters of the Democratic Party realize, unfortunately. They think they are voting for the "peace" ticket when they vote Democrat. Thus they end up being betrayed again and again by the very people whom they put their faith in and gave their votes to.

And the Republicans are handed a clear advantage in credibility, sadly...because they don't pretend to be what they are not. They are outright bloodyminded warmongers, and they're proud of out their John Wayne fantasies of rescuing the world and wiping out "the bad guys". There will always be a new "bad guy" to wipe out. He will be someone who has land and resources that the great corporate Oligarchy desires for itself.

There HAS to always be a new bad guy. Otherwise what would be the justification for maintaining the world's highest levels of military spending and fielding new high tech weapons to keep the military industry making record profits?

The present "bad guy" has been labelled "Terrorism". LOL! This is perfect, because you cannot kill a tactic. Thus it provides an endless war...and an endless war is exactly what this $ySStem wants and must have to maintain itself. It also provides a war which can be fought anywhere, since a tactic is not limited to any given location or within any set of borders. This provides carte blanche to attack anybody in the future...if they have something the Oligarchs want.

What could be better for the grand purposes of Orwell's New Amerika?