The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2379690
Posted By: Amos
02-Jul-08 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Do you really think any good can come from persevering with the status quo?

Nope. So I am supporting the one viable candidate who believes in the urgent necessity of changing things.

Do you think humanity can even survive another century as we gouge and bite one another like rats in a cage?

Nope. Which is why, aside from the occasional scrap in these threads, I don't waste my time with much scrapping and biting. I'm more interested in rational progression.

I see a future for our species, but first we must dismantle the monsterous machine we have spent the last three hundred years constructing. A machine which enslaves 99% of our people.

Every large machine has to be changed by degrees. Unless you want to go the anarchist route and blow things up, which in fact produces dramatically retrograde results.

As I've said many times, it won't be quick and it won't be easy,but we must make a start by trying to understand how the machine works, what it does to us and how best to undertake the demolition.

Because this particular machine is built out of agreements and processes based on those agreements, it has the strange virtue of being sort of fungible, in that it's parts can be shifted in small ways that eventually transform the whole. It isn't like a tower that needs to be demolished, but more like an awkward teenager with a bad diet and immature attitudes.

The jade and cynicism I was speaking of is that the best shot and producing a concrete change at the top part, Obama's candidacy, is being treated as apathetically and sourly as though it were Tinkerbell's call to believe in fairies. It isn't. It's a real, possible path to begin making differences that need to be made in specific concrete ways informed by (as far as I know) an independent thinker with a good head on his shoulders and a high respect for important principles. That's what I'm backing as the best shot for this quarter. I'm not stupid enough to think it won't have some elements of the old politics in it, because you get covered with shit even when wading out of a shithole, don't you? The underlying direction of change is what is more important.