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Thread #112455   Message #2379716
Posted By: Conservative...YES!!
03-Jul-08 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservatism in the United States
Subject: RE: BS: Conservatism in the United States

Another point to be brought out is that while we call ourselves "Conservative" that doesn't automatically equate to voting republican.

Even though I agree with a lot of what Bush has done, there are some things that he has done and said that make me want to tie him to the oak tree and whip him with a wet noodle.

I do believe in less government interference and less taxes. I do believe in greater personal responsibility. I believe we need to do more about illegal aliens and of course the sanctity of life. We need to become energy independent but not at the cost of people such as you and me. If oil is the product which gets us to the future faster then let's drill for it wherever we can find it. Along the way, if a viable alternate solution is found then great!

Security is non-negotiable. We must do what is needed and sometimes use questionable means if it means that we can go into skyscrapers without the fear of getting up close and personal with a 767. I believe that it can be done while, at the same time, preserving the constitutional rights afforded to us.

The only difference is that how far are we willing to take these beliefs?

That is, as I see it, where our paths diverge.

But are our viewpoints really too far apart to try and discover any middle ground?

I'm sure that there is middle ground that can be found but the climate in D.C. is so polarized at this point that no one can seem to resist offering a soundbite to take a dig at their rival or rivals.

I think that being a true conservative means trying to win people to my way of thinking using logic and sensibility. (That's not saying that anybody that calls themself anything other than conservative isn't logical or sensible.) It's just that we hold strong to our convictions and are convinced that our ideas are the way to a better life.

Do I support McCain? No! I see McCain as a middle of the road pacifier. But who will I vote for? Probably McCain. People will undoubtedly point out that I pointed out in the above paragraph about holding strong to my convictions but I feel that a vote for an alternate to McCain is as good as a vote for Obama.

An Obama administration is something that I feel this country cannot afford. Not only fiscally but also socially and security wise.

But that's just my opinion.
