The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112455   Message #2379728
Posted By: Skivee
03-Jul-08 - 12:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservatism in the United States
Subject: RE: BS: Conservatism in the United States
""Conservative" and "Liberal" have been grossly re-defined in recent times in order to make two entirely different sets or clumps than they ever denoted before."
Right. It drives me nuts that political wonks and snipers distort their rivals positions so outragiously.
I just heard a Republican spokesman characterize Obama as having left no notable voting record except to support only the most extreme left wing positions.
We recently heard John MacCain's years of misery in a Vietnamese prison camp being mocked as an unnoteworthy thing.
The parties are gearing up to pitch a victory on either side as the beginning of a new dark age...gotta stir up the voters, right.
Either man will be an improvement over the unprincipled scoundrels in office now.
It's just this kind of polemic crap that makes folks LESS likely to vote.
Liberals and Conservatives should decry this crap at every turn. Let's take back the center.