The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21991   Message #237978
Posted By: GUEST,Hermione Heyhoe-Smythe
03-Jun-00 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: What is it with the English?
Subject: RE: What is it with the English?
Oh! how I long for those azure skies, those green meadows.
Those towered hills.
Oh England, my England, where are you now?
The chimes of the village bell, the cows, as they wend home in the evening?
Gone, gone. All of this
lies broken on the floor of depravity.
Thy noble halls where heroes fought and won.
In ethereal splendour they marched.
With serfs to war and die.
Oh England, Oh England, I cry.

And hurrying home in carriages splendoured.
Grouse and quail.
Steaming on the platter.
Lemon tea and croquet'd lawn.
As shadow lengthens o'er the sundial.
And Geoffery.
The Dashing White Sergeant and Jolly Dog
Amber sunsets deepen to red
Then darkness.

Oh England
Is this my Jerusalem?
This, my green and pleasant land?

:( H H-S