The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112462   Message #2379936
Posted By: muppitz
03-Jul-08 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: Can folk clubs get any better?
Subject: RE: Can folk clubs get any better?
I co-run a folk club and possibly the only thing we got wrong in the instigation of it was calling it a FOLK club, the word seems to scare people off and we're not exclusive to folk either so with the benefit of hindsight, we maybe should have called ourselves something else!
Our closest club, which has been going for over 30 years and is also called a FOLK club is well attended every week but has a reputation for better attended singers nights than guest nights, depending on the guest(s).

Our attendance is as changeable as the weather, it's possible the weather is a factor as where the club is was evacuated during the heavy rains in the UK last year, there is also the fact that we don't operate every week and unless you have our publicity or you've committed our schedule to memory then there would be some confusion as to our club nights.
We've only been going for a year and a bit so we're in our infancy but we're not bankrupt yet so we're keeping positive!
