The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110708   Message #2379947
Posted By: nutty
03-Jul-08 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: Pickering Festival - LINE UP (UK)
Subject: RE: Pickering Festival - LINE UP (UK)
GUEST - The Bastard

Please stop being so defensive, Nothing I have said was directed at you personally so unless you are an organiser why get so upset?

My original comment was.....
If as you say, the festival is going to be confined to the showground - what would be the point of putting on transport to take people to and from the town? Something the organisers say they have arranged.

I was asking a valid question. That question has been partially clarified by one of the organisers. Yes they are putting on a free bus.

So why are they doing it?
So that people can go into Pickering and do whatever they want to do. Some people might want to shop - some might want to sit in a pub and play music.

This is a definite possibility if there is bad weather - which is also a possibility but not one that seems to have been considered so far.