The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2379960
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jul-08 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
I'm with Amos...

The man my be a great writer and thinker but he seriously siecategorized Obama's statement on bombing Pakistan... Might of fact, Pilget used the same generalized wording as the McCain camp used to attack Obama... That, to me, shows either laziness on his part or dishonesty...

Saying that as president if there was actionable intellegence that there was a cell about to attack the US or its troops in Pakistan and Pakistan refused to act on it that he would order a sergical strike against that cell is a far cry from "bombing Pakistan"...

Oh sure, it can be argued that even one pin pointed guided bomb into a house were the cell members are is "bombing Pakistan" but in most folks minds that would be a far cry from "bombing Pakistan"... It is sloppy journalism...

I'd also like to know why RFK chose Pilger as the only person in the world to tell that he privately supported the Vietnam War as late as '68??? This doesn't jive with what Bobby Kennedy was writing and saying at the time and truthfully the first time I have heard that... And I was working in the campaign...
