The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2380277
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
03-Jul-08 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Little Hawk, I tend so agree with you. I think you are not as naive, as with Akenaton. None of the O-blabbo supporters can seem to recite or list not one thing, in his record, that backs him up. The O-Blabbo supporters are doing so out of pure emotions...and as anyone who has been married a long time can tell you 'Who in the world can logically argue with someone who is emotional???' There is absolutely no way to get them to calm down, and let a long term logic to even be considered, as such with the case with O-Blabbo, even in the case that he has absolutely NO record of ANYTHING accomplished!! And being as the American men have been feminized so much, they have all this enthusiasm, being swept up by the celebrity, and momentum, that O-Blabbo has, without much logic, to even look into his accomplishments. And yet they'll come back at you with all this 'flap', without even considering what you have to say, or the truth. McLame is no better. This whole thing is a farce promoted with the full support of corporate media, and presented as if these are the only viable options..when in actuality, they are not! They are only the two options PRESENTED BY CORPORATE MEDIA, as representing the two options, and of course, instead of exercising their brains, they stare transfixed in front of their T.V. sets, in a stupor, thinking 'Uhh-huhhhh' ..and in fact not thinking at all...just taking in 'information' with a passive mind..being programmed!!! I truly believe, that these people are sincere in their motives...but sincerely wrong. The object of this is to deceive, because people make decisions out of what they think is the right thing to do..(if not, they'd be evil), and its clear to see, that the O-Blabbo supporters, see him as a remedy to the position we find ourselves in now...through yet ANOTHER deception!!!...THEY JUST DON'T GET IT!...Its like they have been conditioned so long, with lies, that they don't see the truth when it comes along...even when it is so obvious!! ...ok, I'm done, for now...bye