The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112423   Message #2380372
Posted By: Greg F.
03-Jul-08 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Loyal slaves'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Loyal slaves'
I'm plenty relaxed, Mike old boy - just exasperated by irrepressible ignorance..

that good Mr. Lincoln fought the Civil War to free the slaves

Mr. Lincoln didn't fight the war, Mike. An overwhelming coalition of northerners- both Democrat and Republican- acted to put down southern treason & rebellion.

Yes, I have read the primary source documents...

Apparently not closely enough, or possibly the peripheral ones.You might wish to read 'em again - this time for comprehension. Start with the South Carolina Ordinance of Secession.

there were more free blacks in the South than the North

Absolute bullshit. Source, please. Most if not all southern states by the 1850s did not permit free blacks to reside within their borders & if they remained were subject to arbitrary re-enslavement.

Ah, the Hitler analogy - the worst, most overused analogy in the historiography of bad historical analogies

No, its the collaborator fact. No analogy at all. So bite me.

That some blacks both free and enslaved did support the CSA

Yes, its a sad fact that throughout history various people have on occasion have acted against their own interests and /or aided and abetted the enemy. Again: your point is?