The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112368   Message #2380484
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
03-Jul-08 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout
Lord Batman, I think he is saying that some one substituted "Penile" for "pennile" on his post without his permission. It was I that attributed the motive of mockery. I could be wrong, perhaps it was spellcheckery and different dictionaries were used.

In answer to Don Firth's post. Did wav ask for the the spew of "knowledge" and mockery that I see on your post and on this thread?

the work identified as "Poem 136 of 230: LANCASHIRE SUNG SIMPLY" seems to be a simple little word picture of lancashire. I frankly do not understand the hostility that posting it has generated. If he were to post all 230 of the poems here would anyone be harmed? At the very least the venom and mockery would, presumably be vented more quickly.