The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2380580
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jul-08 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Ummm, looks as if this thread has gone downhill in many regards since I last had a chance to get off my feet...

Yo, LH... You need to hole up fir a weekend with Shane and Chongo and find some new material... Yer stuff, while good, is gettin' stale and you need the break outta yer "Repent, the World is Doomed" rut... But you know that this ol' hillbilly loves ya'...

Yo, GtS... "O'Blabbo" will get half the folks reading yer posts top pass on the rst of it... Those remaining will pass on it it you start SCREAMING at folks... That leaves you with about 1/4th of the folks who will actually read yer posts...

Yo, Amos... You need bail money???

Yo, ake... Greg Palist is a journalist... John Pilget is an op-ed'r... Wuth an axe to grind...

That's bout it...

This ol' hillbilly done worked too hard today and may not be back here tonight... I'm beat... Think I'll just drenk me a few Iron Cuty bers and call it quits...

Plus, I gotta perform tomorrow night at a 4th of July Festival...
