The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112368   Message #2380775
Posted By: Stu
04-Jul-08 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout
"Perhaps stigweard, Don Firth, irishenglish, Foolestroupe, and others should simply look the other way when someone is obviously drowning, and if he doesn't explicitly call for help, just let the bugger drown. Would that satisfy the peanut gallery?"

Ah, another post from some anonymous tosser hiding behind 'guest' sniping.

Well, read the threads listed again dicksplash - I've got far more respect for WAV who at least puts his name to his work than I'd ever have for some poltroon stirring the shite without committing any solid view to the discussion. Many have offered some excellent advice and offered well-meant support on the other Glastonbury thread to WAV, regardless of whether he listens or not.

As for bullying - well, that's not my intention but I will offer an opinion on work displayed for public consumption by such a shameless self-promoter as WAV. Whoever changed the word in WAV's poem is as big a pillock as you get on these boards, even the ever-present trolling gutless guests.