The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112462   Message #2381076
Posted By: GUEST,David McB
04-Jul-08 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: Can folk clubs get any better?
Subject: RE: Can folk clubs get any better?
My local folk club alternates guest nights with singarounds.

I'd certainly go to the club more often on guest nights if I didn't have to endure the same old residents, doing the same old songs, before each of the guest's two sets. Some of them are fine but others really aren't up to "resident standard" and it is simply indulgent for them to force their stuff on us week-in, week-out.

If I'm weighing up whether to go along on a Sunday night to hear an unfamiliar guest or not it's usually the ghastly thought of the seemingly interminable residents' spots that kill it for me. It's also rather embarrassing for the guest artist to have to sit through some of them...