The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22067 Message #238108
Posted By: keltcgrasshoppper
04-Jun-00 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: Dog stories....
Subject: RE: Dog stories....
Banjer.. What a touching story..I too have had a friend like that..her name was Pokie..She was a dear loyal little Lahasa..We got her when our son Gabriel was two years old and he (Gabriel) was her (Pokie) constant companion.. She was almost 15 years old when suddenly she was unable to use her hind legs.. She was in a lot of pain and after talking it over with Gabe and Chelsey we felt that it was unkind to allow her to suffer.. It was the saddest day we have ever faced.. The house felt like a tomb when we came back..I have never cried so hard..We miss her still and feel ( stupidly) that she lead us to Tazzie.. who is our new family member ....KGH