The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112368   Message #2381148
Posted By: Don Firth
04-Jul-08 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout
". . . you're not just talking down, but talking a long-way down to someone who has achieved 4 tech. certificates and a Degree in Humanities."

Frankly, WAV, I don't give a billy hoot how many certificates and degrees you have in however many fields. That doesn't alter that fact that you talk a great deal of unmitigated blather and your musical efforts are greatly in need of much improvement, especially before trying to inflict them on an unsuspecting public. And if you want to compare musical educations, I'm quite sure I could roll over you like a Sherman tank.

Apparently you think I'm talking down to you because, rather than being sufficiently worshipful, I—and others—have tried to give you some frank and honest criticism along with some helpful suggestions. But it appears your God-complex requires you to take offense rather than even consider that you might gain a great deal by at least listening to what people are good enough to offer you.

You see, I made the mistake of assuming that you are seriously interested in singing traditional songs.

FYI:    The French horn is not French, it is an English hunting horn with valves. The English horn is not a horn, it is a woodwind.

How's this for cultural pollution? Spanish guitar, Chinese flute, and an "English flute (??):"      CLICKY.

Don Firth