The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112434   Message #2381342
Posted By: olddude
04-Jul-08 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
Subject: RE: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
You know what, It is an awful song ...and if it is anti anything then shame on the author ... but for me any song I don't like I could care less about. It is like TV, if I don't like the show ya know what, I turn the channel ... if I don't like a song ... I don't give it a second listen. So if the song offends anyone, hey don't listen to it because who cares about a bad song right ... I don't mean to offend anyone but I don't want censorship of any song or any literary work ... if it offends don't read it, don't listen to it don't watch it if it is on TV .. We are going way over the deep end anymore with political hair splitting .. and it is a very sad. I dispise bigots of any type. If your take on this song is that of bigotry then constant discussion only only gives it attention that is not needed. You see for me when we allow certain words to effect us so, then we are giving the words a power over us that we should not allow. No song or author that I dislike will make me want to give them a second of my time. If you feel the song is anti anything then for you and me and others who don't like it shouldn't even bother with it. My take anyway