The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22113   Message #238144
Posted By: WyoWoman
04-Jun-00 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Kate Wolf Anthology - WOW!
Subject: Kate Wolf Anthology - WOW!
I can't believe I hadn't disovered Kate Wolf until this year, but it's true. Now I've ordered her anthology CD and it's become my favorite CD. I am playing the grooves out of it and want to learn every song on it. AND, they're all in my keys!!! Whooo!

I've ordered the Kate Wolf songbook, which ought to arrive tomorrow, and can't wait to see which ones are included there.

I can especially recommend this one to those of you who liked the two "Heart of a Woman" CDs from Ireland (and if you haven't bought those, run, don't walk, to your local CD outlet and snag 'em both, as well as the Mary Black solo CD. Simply yummy stuff by wonderful female vocalists).

Unsolicited commercial endorsement by WyoWoman

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