The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2381681
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-Jul-08 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
I think it fitting, that on a thread called 'Unity' that perhaps men and women can stop bickering about their 'rights' and come together, past the silly notions of what was 'sold' to them as being equal. The family unit is the first fabric of a social structure, and healthy family bonds make for a better, stronger nation as well. Don't buy into this destructive nonsense about differences, that the parties, (mostly Democratic, in this case, but both) used to prey on the weakness, and exploit, for their own agendas. Though the Democratic Party is usually the mouthpiece for this, it was a ploy used by the ultra rich, international bankers, to broaden the tax base, incorporating the women, (who used to traditionally stay at home, and raised children). They Have done as much as they can to 'de-feminize' womans roles and how women feel about their role, as primary nurturer of the children, and turn them into 'equal laborers'. So says David Rockefeller, who promoted that political movement, in the late '60s, and early '70s. Now when I hear Hillary, and other candidates, or whomever, use the phrase 'It for the children...' I know that here comes the BS, and I want to puke!
   The feminist 'movement', is just that...a political movement, It should never be taken seriously as a contributer to mental heath, or stability, or beneficial to children....and that is NOT up for debate!!

Oh, the MFCC, mentioned earlier....stands for Marriage and Family Certified Counselor.