The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112434   Message #2381716
Posted By: Arkie
05-Jul-08 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
Subject: RE: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
I find nothing at all in Lord of the Dance that could be construed to be anti-semetic, either by intention or otherwise. Jesus was a Jew and most of his followers were Jews. The song is about Jesus and paints him in a very respectful light. On the other hand, "the holy people" is an ironic term used to describe those who thought that they, by means of their position in the temple and wealth, were superior to the common citizenry. And they acted in a most unholy way. The Sanhedrin, the Jewish governing body, pronounced the death sentence on Jesus and prevailed upon Pilate the Roman magistrate to carry out the sentence. There may be those who find that offensive but those who come to the defense of those first century religious bureaucrats would not have been all that popular on the streets of Jerusalem in that day. From the reports of writers of the first century the Sadducees, the priestly caste, were generally hated by the populace. The Pharisees were the sect most trusted by the people and some scholars associate Jesus with the Pharisees rather then the Essenes. If I am wrong, I hope someone with greater knowledge of first century history will correct me, but I read somewhere, from Josephus I think, that when the temple was destroyed by the Romans, Jewish rebels sought out the High Priest, the head of the Sadducee sect, found him hiding in a hole and dragged him out to be executed. Josephus also reported that animals sacrificed in the temple were purchased from the Bazaars of Ananais who was the most influential Sadducee of his day. The priest of the temple were the ones who approved a sacrificial animal and there were accusations that animals not purchased from the priestly bazaar were not perfect and therefore not acceptable and that the cost of animals through the bazaar were inflated well above the normal cost. I suppose being from the American south, I could claim that anyone who writes or remarks about the slave holders in the south is prejudiced.