The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22067 Message #238191
Posted By: Banjer
04-Jun-00 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: Dog stories....
Subject: RE: Dog stories....
I knew of the Rainbow Bridge and had even considered putting a memorial there for Dee-Dee, just never got around to it. Like Kat and 'Spaw I too hope that it will happen that way, someday reuniting with my animal friends. Oh what a wonderful reunion that will be. Let's see, there will be Dee-Dee, Buzzy, Kelly, Heinz, Darby, Lady, Duchess, Cognac and Brandy, and a host of others that for one reason or another adopted me. There will also be cats, rabbits, a couple of birds and the list goes on and on.
Hello, my name is Ray and I'm an animal lover. If that is an illness, it's one I never hope to recover from!
Like Wildone said, animals ask so little and give manyfold in return. Just today I had a visit from my oldest son and his two dogs, (my grandpups). One is about two years old, a boxer/labrador mix and her "little brother" about 10 weeks old. He is a result of the same parents that she was. While Jimmy and I had a very pleasant visit, I must admit to spending more time playing and talking to the two grandpups!