The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2382134
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Jul-08 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
GfS, I agree with you 100% on this. There should never, of course, have been any impediment in the way of naturally gifted and strongly motivated women who definitely wanted to do various things such as write novels, act, play music, do business, or whatever they wanted....(and there used to be many such impediments in the way of women)....BUT...(and it's a big "but")...the $ySStem has cynically used the artifice of pretending to "free" women to more deeply enslave everybody and they have done it by a direct assault on the structure of the family.

The family is the bedrock of every traditional society and every stable and healthy society. A society that pretty well forces both young parents to leave the home and work five days a week at outside jobs is a society that systematically breaks downs and destroys family life. Children need their mother close to home... in the early years right through the teen years, they do not need a surrogate parent in the form of a frikkin' TV set (which turns them into programmed, hypnotized little consumers and future addicts of various sorts, if not into criminals or people with serious societal problems of various kinds).

You are quite right that they have lured people through appealing to their selfishness and their desire for immediate material gains of some sort.

"The power of a loving family is one thing they fear, and had to break down."

Dead right. I have seen an assault on the family by the marketing system during my own lifetime that has been absolutely profound, and that has generated terrible fallout in society already...and it's getting worse.

If the family unit can be broken, then whatever moral cohesiveness society has gets destroyed.

And I am NOT talking about persecuting gays...or preventing any women from realizing their own dreams or doing any kind of work they really want to do. No sir. But I am talking about encouraging all people to have faith in what they have had faith in for the last 50,000 or more years...their own home and their family unit. That first, and that above all else. That above any enticement or bribery or government or slick lifestyle carrot that the commercial system can dangle in front of them to get them in its power. Therein (in the traditional family connections) lies the greatest strength people have and ever can hope to have. It is the saving grace of young children...they all need a mother's guidance (and a father's too), and they must have it if they are not to get lost in the commercially dominated maze that is all around them.

I had a mother who stayed home. I always had that secure base in the home. I think it's one of the reasons that I have grown up as radically against the present $ySStem as I am. I did not get brought up by the values commonly presented on television. Matter of fact, we HAD no TV in the house till I was 17 years old. I read books instead, a lot of books, and I listened to a great variety of music my parents bought (from folk to classical to Calypso to world music, to pop, etc.). I also was not exposed to commercial radio, because we listened to CBC from Canada. CBC had no commercials. Period. It was a publicly financed radio show with news reporting, many kinds of music, children's shows, and all kinds of talk shows and entertainment and information shows. The CBC's daily content, compared to that of the commercial radio stations, was like comparing the content of a pretty good city library to the magazine rack at the local crummy smoke shop.

If you feed most people a diet of cultural garbage every day of their lives, they soon grow up thinking that garbage is perfectly normal "food", and from that point on the $ySStem has them in the palm of its greasy hand for the rest of their lives. And they don't even notice.