The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112462   Message #2382225
Posted By: kerry and Mandy
06-Jul-08 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: Can folk clubs get any better?
Subject: RE: Can folk clubs get any better?
hi all
we run a club on the second tuseday of the month, at the Star Inn, St Mary in the Marsh. it's a pub in the middle of no where, so we thought it would be a quite venue.WRONG.
we dont call it a folk club, although the music is predomantly folk, there is a lot of variety.we reguly have 14 to 16 acts, and pack in 60 to 70 people every month. the people who come to listen are very very good, quiet and attentive when people are performing and the audience side is increasing all the time.
it is actualy in the main bar, and it is accoustic, any one is welcome and we have some really good up and comeing youngsters, one of which is ayoung man called Chris mellor, look out for him he's very good, and only 15 years old.
we have guest night but make then a seperate night 4 times a year, we have had Johhny Collins, Greame Knights, Paul Sirman, and in september we have Derek Gifford, and when Hughie Jones has recovered from his illness he will be comeing as well.
dont know what the secret is but Brian and Barb's the landlords are 100% be hind us, and supply free nibbles for all.
we always have agood 20 to 30 minuet break, for the social side and to let people chat.
we gave up trying to work out why it works and now just accept it is what it is and enjoy every moment.
thank you all who attend and make it such a magical night.
best wishes
kerry and mandy