The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2382315
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Jul-08 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
The first real estate crunch, and slowdown was in the mid sixties, not in the eighties, as you stated..(mostly to pin it on Reagan). There were spikes in the gas prices, around '72 -73. By the late seventies there was another recession,(including the gas shortages) that lasted about 2/12 to 3 years, till about 83-84. During the eighties, interest rates on home mortgages were in the low teens, and credit card rates were as high as 22-24%. Mid to late eighties home prices began to climb, again, but interest rates were still high. In the nineties, they began to settle down..and easy to get. Then the price of homes shot up..It was either high principle/low rates..or low principle/high rates. It was during the 80' that the word 'creative financing' came into usage..remember that?

So your misstated facts (just to blame it on a conservative), blows your other premise out of the water. (There were other issues to blame on Reagan)...and sure, 're-distribute' the wealth??..Any time you want, pal, reach into your pocket and start handing it out! I'm sure there is at least one needy family, or vet you see that you can contribute something on a regular basis to...don't you think?? Or do volunteer work...great thing!....But to tell others to do it as a policy of law, and change our system to do it???

There is an old blues tune, that is really this lyric:
    Your father ain't my father
    You mother ain't my mother
    Get your hand out of my pocket
    And quit callin' me 'brother'

Being as this is primarily a folk and blue blog, I thought that would be appropiate ..don't you think?? I myself do volunteer fund raising, and free counseling, so I'm not suggesting you do anything that I don't....Do you do anything like that??....or are you just good at telling everybody else, that THEY should???????