The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2382345
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Jul-08 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Bobert, you are right on that one...matter of fact, the rate of inflation has been out pacing the rate of income, for years(decades) You can see that by the price of gold, and what it will buy, as compared to cash made by man hours of working. This is due to being off the gold standard, and other un-constitutional tidbits inflicted on us by politicians, working for you!!(Your tax dollars at work). As so far as the volunteer work..hey!...keep it up...there are few of us enough around, who are moved with compassion toward our fellow human beings. Anytime I hear someone suggesting that wealth re-distribution, more than it is(actually we could roll it back a bit), usually means they want some one else to do it, and means raising taxes to do it..which leaves less money, to give of our own...right??
Little Hawk, I remember Buffy Ste.Marie Haven't heard from her in quite a while. right now the is another top artist, who takes time off from her tours, to raise her kids..and that is Lisa Kelly, who with her group has been no.1, on the music world charts(Billboard Magazine) for 129 consecutive weeks! In case you haven't seen or heard of her, or the group. I'll post a link. I know to many in here, it may not be your cup of tea, but she(they) are hot!, as in perfection, and production(though I'm sure management will screw that up too)
Lisa is in the first link, the other I put just for shits and grins(same group)

TIA backing out of the driveway post, was for you!
Love you all!